Category: Img

Jay Ryan

For getting on for a decade now, I’ve been an avid fan of Jay Ryan. Other Jay Ryan fans will...

Carrie Marill

I’d never come across Carrie Marill’s work until this morning, but I love these...

Smithson v Oeffinger Layer Tennis

For quite some time now, I’ve been a devotee of Layer Tennis, a game almost as brilliant as Dandy Racquetball… I think the stakes have been raised with this bout between Matt Smithson & Daniel Oeffinger. And now...

Washed up photography

Here are some lovely shots of flotsam and jetsam washed up on beaches. And now you could read... Lincoln In The Bardo Auto Da Fé Lego Sabotage Jesus’ Son Pacific Lincoln In The...

Codex Seraphinianus

If you haven’t heard of the Codex Seraphinianus, then steady yourself. It appears to be one of the oddest things to have been published! This is called the Rocket Circumnambulation and is found among a series of other foot...

Model photographer

Just had to give the old tilt and shift business another crack, although, I’m still not convinced I’ve got it. Hey ho! And now you could read... Have You Got a Biro I Can Borrow? Washed up photography No One Belongs...
