* UPDATE 10th March * This campaign was successful – whoo! Princes have now finally agree to “stop using indiscriminate fishing methods which hoover up entire aquariums of marine creatures.

Greenpeace UK have just launched a Change Your Tuna campaign against the Princes company.

Princes is ranked as the least sustainable tuna brand in the UK, and given that so far the only thing they’ve changed is their packaging that used to say,

…fully committed to fishing methods which protect the marine environment and marine life”

And they only removed that when they were forced to by the Office of Fair Trading.

They responded by saying, “We were going to commit to remove our label anyway and we have brought that forward a little.” Presumably later adding, “So, neh neh ne-neh neh.”

Well there’s only one word to describe a company like that, so I thought I’d help them with their next rebrand.

I think Greenpeace are asking for new slogans for the company, but I wanted to start them off with a new logo for the company. Please feel free to use this in anyway you see fit (as in please download and use as avatars, wallpaper, make tee-shirts, project onto the company’s offices, etc!)

For higher quality versions of this graphic, download large versions from Mediafire.