White Snail.-
(A young lady with a lace parasol comes
along counting her steps. Upon reaching a little brook, she
hesitates. Then she jumps.)

Black Snail.-
(The rat has crossed the river. The bad
rat. The rat that devours the tender rootlets.)

White Snail.-
(The young lady consults the scent of
the fennel beds. The evening, lacking intelligent relations,
crumbles down into the haze of the horizon.)

Black Snail.-
(The rat returns to the blackberry
bushes. An obscure voice delights in pronouncing this
word: blackberry, blackberry, blackberry.)

White Snail.-
(The young lady sits down on the green
hillside. She has come outside alone because she does not
recall the mice.)

Black Snail.-(Dumbstruck.)
(In the watery cover, with nary a crease, a long cloud
quivers in place. The rat heads for it like a bird. The Lord
must have consented to his inflicting this abuse.)

White Snail.-
(No one likes the book the young lady is reading. She is silly,
unaware that her mountains of sugar are full of ants.)

Black Snail.-

White Snail.-(At the top of the fennel stalk.)